Our Coffee Sources

Gera Cofee

The juicy washed Limu coffees from Gera are well-known. The borders of the modern-day Gera region in western Ethiopia largely correspond to those of the nearly 200-year-old Gera kingdom. The Gibe region’s one of the five prehistoric Oromo kingdoms.
The Gera district is located at a high elevation, with some locations exceeding 2000 meters above sea level. In addition, the forest covers more than half of the land.

Kaffa Coffee

This coffee comes from the Kaffa region, which is one of Ethiopia’s most well-known regions and is also referred to as the “birthplace” of coffee. The farm is is situated at 1900 meters above sea level. The forest in which coffee trees are found contains more than ten different species of trees. For instance, the 40-meter-tall Qararo tree is quite uncommon in Ethiopia. They are kept up here to give coffee a pleasant shade and to guarantee that cherries mature well.

Limmu Coffee

Limmu is located in the Jimma Zone of the Oromia region in Ethiopia. The largest coffee farm in the district, Limmu is dedicated to producing remarkable coffee that is environmentally and socially sustainable.


Nasir Abdu Coffee Exporter

Flip Building, 3rd floor
around Yetebaberut Gas Station
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

info@nasirabducoffee.com, nasirabdu008@gmail.com

Office Number:

Mobile Number:
+251917551677, +251919139151, +251912222843

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